Neurological immaturity

Neuromotor immaturity means stopping early in development or skipping one of the stages. Then the reflexes with which the child is born are not inhibited or controlled properly. This disturbs the development of various functions:

- the balance
- motor control
- functioning of sight and hearing
- hand-eye coordination
- perceptive skills and many others.


Reflexes should self-extinguish up to the age of 6 months (eventually up to the age of 12 months). Frustration, hyperactivity and hypersensitivity, an imbalance between abilities and achievements often appear in the behavior of a child with not fully integrated reflexes.


Symptoms of motor immaturity:

    lying on the table especially during a meal or at the desk while doing homework
    difficulties in self-service activities related to dressing - fastening buttons, tying shoelaces, putting on clothes in the right way
    problems writing
    reading problems
    orthographical mistakes
    improper handling of the pencil / pen
    Difficulty using a knife and fork
    difficulty catching the ball
    reluctance to play sports
    poor impulse control,
    accelerated (up to 10 months of age) or delayed (after 18 months of age) starting walking,
    delayed speech development


Examples of reflexes that, if not integrated, can affect a child's behavior:

    Asymmetric Tonic Cervical Reflex (ATOS) - affects the control of the hand and shoulder while writing, balance control, efficient use of both sides of the body, development of lateralization
    Symmetrical Tonic Cervical Reflex (STOS) - is reflected in activities that require integration of the lower upper half of the body, e.g. when swimming, has an effect on muscle tone, sitting when sitting at a desk (lying on it), concentration of attention
    Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TOB) - visible in increased or decreased muscle tone, may be manifested by walking on your toes, motion sickness, reading and writing difficulties, reluctance in physical education lessons or other physical activity
    Moro reflex - associated with anxiety, mood swings, feeling overloaded with stimuli, impaired concentration, emotional and social difficulties


In place of the primary reflexes disappearing in the first year of life, postural reflexes appear, which should be fully mature after the child is three and a half years old. Neutral reflexes are necessary to allow a child to master his movements in space. Thanks to them we constantly (but not always consciously) control the position of the body, and in case of loss of balance, we can automatically modify our posture so as not to fall.

INPP Reflex Therapy - what is it?

Work at the level of neurodevelopment according to the INPP concept is the therapeutic method recommended for those with neuromotor immaturity, i.e. the presence of persistent primary reflexes or lack of fully formed postural reflexes. The therapy consists in intentional, targeted physical activity, which is to lead to the integration of reflexes, transformation into mature movement patterns, enabling development and proper functioning.

The integration of reflexes determines the child's readiness to start school education and achieve success in education.


After diagnosing the difficulties and individual selection of the program, the therapist gives the instructor to parents so that exercises with the child can be performed every day, at home, for about 10-15 minutes. Once a month, follow-up visits are held to assess progress and modify the therapeutic program.

 The program lasts about a year. Systematic work at home is a very important factor influencing the length and effects of therapy.

The duration of the program is also influenced by the assessment of the level of neuromotor immaturity.

The training program was developed in Chester by Sally Goddard Blythe and is being successively developed.


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Fill in screening questionnaire

Studies (published in October 1998 in The British Journal of Occupational Therapy) have shown that in children over the age of 7 years, an in-depth examination for the degree of neuromotor maturity is recommended if the answer is 'Yes' for 7 or more questions.


Screening questionnaire for children:



Kraków, ul. Filarecka 17/2
Phone: 661 922 157


We work from:

Monday - Friday 10: 00-18: 00


Registration Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:00-10: 00 and 17: 00-18: 00

or email contact


In the case of e-mail contact, please provide the following information:

first and last name of the child,
age, type of school and child's class,
current diagnoses and rulings (e.g. autism, Asperger Syndrome, FAS, Down Syndrome, dyslexia, etc.),
short description of current problems,
choosing the planned diagnosis and therapy from the Clinic's offer (if possible),
please suggest consultation dates possible for you (we will confirm possible).


After receiving the email we will contact you by phone.

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