When should you consider an appointment with a Senory Integration Therapist?

Sometimes the sensual integration process needs therapeutic support. This may be evidenced by various behaviors, sometimes treated as disobedience, conscious reluctance to cooperate or lack of diligence on the part of the child, for example:

- reluctance to brush teeth, avoiding washing the head or clipping nails
- inability to dress independently
- "Ugly eating", getting dirty, difficulties in using cutlery
- constantly staying in motion, running, jumping
- clumsiness, constant falling over, bumping against objects
- ugly writing and drawing
- biting, pinching, hitting seemingly for no reason
- difficulty concentrating, constant distraction
- reluctance to play on the finger of games (especially carousels and swings)
- "Whim" of walking in the same clothes over and over again
- reluctance to participate in group activities, especially in movement


These are some of the many perplexing behaviors that may be caused (not necessarily the only one) by difficulties in sensory integration. For parents who are concerned about their children's behavior, we suggest that you read the appendix below, where the most frequently diagnosed difficulties are listed. If a few statements describe the child well, it is worth consulting a sensory integration therapist.







Sensory Integration - what is it?

Properly developed sensory integration gives us the opportunity to feel, understand and organize information provided by the senses.

Thanks to the ability to integrate sensory experiences, we are able to:


pick up the stimulus and react to it (e.g. quickly withdraw your hand when you touch something hot),
distinguish between important and unimportant stimuli (e.g. ignore a song coming from the radio and focus on conversation),
adjust our body movements to a given situation (e.g. in the event of a trip, belay with hands and fasten the body).
correctly plan your movements due to the activity being performed


When information from all senses is properly processed, integrated and balanced, our body adapts to the environment, the mind effectively absorbs information. As a result, our attention, ability to concentrate and stimulate are at the appropriate level.
Senses we forget about:


thinking about the senses most often, we exchange sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, forgetting about the next two senses, very important from the point of view of sensory integration. It is the vestibular and proprioceptive sense:


thanks to the vestibular sense, the movements of the eyes, head and body are coordinated, standing on the balance we are able to catch a balance, swing on a swing, and both sides of our body can cooperate in performing activities.
proprioceptive sense receives stimuli coming from muscles, tendons and joints, thanks to which it informs us in what position our body is. This allows us to adjust the strength to perform the task, sit in the right position or engage in sports activities.


The vestibular, proprioceptive and touch systems are the basis for the development of sensory integration. The proper functioning of the senses is reflected in behavior, learning, self-esteem. It is particularly important in the case of children and affects the development of the next stages. In addition, the "fit" toddler can freely explore the world, enter into a relationship with peers and integrate with the group / there are no obstacles to development /.

What does a sensory integration session look like?

First of all, therapy takes place through play! The sensory integration room is equipped with various types of swings, hammocks, ropes, climbing walls, trampolines, skateboards. The therapist's task is to involve the child in such psycho-motor activities that will stimulate the brain and at the same time give the child pleasure. Completed tasks are always successful, which enhances the effects of therapy, as the child's involvement gradually increases.


Suggested number of classes is at least one hour a week.


Kraków, ul. Filarecka 17/2
Phone: 661 922 157
email: nppk@o2.pl



We work from:

Monday - Friday 10: 00-18: 00


Registration Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:00-10: 00 and 17: 00-18: 00

or email contact


In the case of e-mail contact, please provide the following information:

first and last name of the child,
age, type of school and child's class,
current diagnoses and rulings (e.g. autism, Asperger Syndrome, FAS, Down Syndrome, dyslexia, etc.),
short description of current problems,
choosing the planned diagnosis and therapy from the Clinic's offer (if possible),
please suggest consultation dates possible for you (we will confirm possible).


After receiving the email we will contact you by phone.

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