Summer holidays internship

New price list

Holidays therapy 2024

New price list



We kindly inform you about change in price list from 01.09.2023.

Opieka wytchnieniowa 2023

Holidays therapy offer


International Day Against Depression

Today we celebrate the International Day Against Depression. According to the World Health Organization, depression is one of the biggest health challenges in the world.


Depression is called a disease of the soul and body. It is a disease of the whole organism and, like hypertension, diabetes or other chronic disease, it can be diagnosed and effectively treated. Left untreated, it often leads to suicide.


The purpose of the Day Against Depression is to disseminate knowledge about this disease and other disorders related to it, as well as about the need to diagnose it and undertake appropriate treatment.


Diagnosis and therapy by KATIS



KATIS is a diagnostic and therapeutic program for children with sensory integration disorders. Created in the Warsaw Center for Sensory Processes - Sensum Mobile by the best specialists in Poland in the field of diagnosis and therapy of sensory integration.


The team that created KATIS was led by Zbigniew Przyrowski, who is considered the most outstanding authority in the field of treating sensory processing disorders in children in Poland.




It is designed to diagnose children who may have sensory processing disorders. The software is also a kind of screening test, which very quickly, at home, will provide the parent with reliable, very important information, and the cost of obtaining this information will be much lower than a full SI diagnosis, which in many cases is not needed.


Link to the test verifying the legitimacy of participation in diagnosis and therapy (at the bottom of the page):


How does KATIS work?

1) an interview with the parents - describing the moments of pregnancy, childbirth and the first months of the child's life;

2) completing a questionnaire measuring the child's sensory processes for his age;

3) conducting further tests - sensory modulation disorders and sensory-based movement disorders;

4) information and development of an exercise program

Dyslexia diagnosis for adults

We offer the possibility of diagnosing dyslexia of 16+ people and adults.



There are 2 diagnostic meetings and 1 consultation (optional).


The dyslexic package includes:

- interview,
- intelligence test,
- lateralization trials,
- dyslexic battery,
- test of spelling rules,
- a written opinion.


The price list is available in the News tab.


For more information, please contact us by phone - 661 922 157 or by e-mail -


We encourage you to complete the Adult Dyslexia Symptoms Questionnaire (KODD) by Michael Vinegrad:



Price list changes



New price list from 8th December 2022.

Stanford-Binet 5


We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to diagnose the level of intellectual development with the Stanford-Binet 5 tool.



It is a widely used, individually conducted specialized test assessing intelligence and cognitive abilities in the population and in particular in special groups. The test is suitable for subjects aged 2;0 to 69;11 years old (including people with intellectual disabilities).



We offer a diagnosis in order to submit documents for obtaining:

  • disability certificates,
  • assessment of the child's needs in the context of Early Development Support,
  • needs assessment in the context of special education.


Dyslexia, dysortography, dysgraphia, dyscalculia diagnosis


We offer the possibility of diagnosing developmental dyslexia, dysorthography, dysgraphia and dyscalculia of school children from the 3rd grade of primary school.


Younger children are diagnosed with the risk of developmental dyslexia.


There are 2 meetings with the child and 1 with the Parent (optional).


The dyslexic package includes:

- interview with the child and the parent,
- intelligence test,
- lateralization trials,
- dyslexic battery,
- test of spelling rules,
- a written opinion.

The price list is available in the News tab.


or more information, please contact us by phone - 661 922 157 or by e-mail -

Price list change

We'd like to inform you about price list changes.

New price list comes in life from 16.08.2022.

Summer break

Please be advised that
Non-public Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Center for Children and Youth


will be closed from July 25 to August 5, 2022


due to the holiday break.

Two-day course INPP

Tomatis? Infinite, Forbrain? & Soundsory?

Tomatis® Infinite, Forbrain® and Soundsory®.

Each of these devices has its own unique features.



Tomatis® Infinite: a tool for individual auditory attention training





Tomatis® Infinite are personal Tomatis® headphones for customers. They have been designed by TOMATIS DEVELOPPEMENT S.A. for use before, during and after training. They are mainly used with TalksUp® for personalized hearing sessions. In addition, the headphones include 3 built-in universal programs: a preparatory program, "Warm-up", the main purpose of which is to introduce the Tomatis® Method to music and parameters, and 2 fixation programs, called "Follow-up". The latter play a complementary role in relation to working with TalksUp® and consolidate the effects of individual programs. The Tomatis® Infinite headphones also allow you to work on the auditory-voice loop. In this respect, they offer the same functions as Forbrain®. The main difference is that Forbrain® transmits sound only through bone conduction, while Tomatis® Infinite transmits sound via bone AND air conduction for even more efficient performance.




Forbrain®: action targeting the auditory-vocal loop

Forbrain® headphones operate using the auditory-voice loop. They do not contain pre-recorded programs and transmit sound only through bone conduction. Therefore, these headphones are not a tool that will allow your clients to conduct a completely personalized auditory training. Their settings are "universal". Forbrain® headphones are a product of Sound for Life Sp. z o.o.




Soundsory®: auditory sensory-motor training combined with movement exercises

Soundsory® headphones primarily affect the vestibular and sensorimotor systems. They only contain one program and its live music makes the body want to move and follow its rhythm. Their action is much softer than that of the Tomatis® Method and cannot be used for a full Tomatis® training. Soundsory® headphones are a product of the Sound for Life brand

Especially recommended for problems with sensory integration, balance, muscle tension, motor coordination

Important in improving the condition of the elderly in terms of movement and hearing.

TONI - Test of Nonverbal Intelligence

We would like to inform you about the possibility of making a diagnosis with the TONI - Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, which measures general intelligence in people:

- from the general population,

- in special groups (people with pervasive developmental disorders, non- and low-verbal people, people with motor disabilities)

- in non-Polish speaking people.



TONI is a non-verbal, culturally unbiased test for measuring general intelligence.

It was developed to study people:

- from the general population

- with communication problems (e.g. people with impaired or delayed speech development, people with mutism, immigrants not fluent in Polish, people with pervasive development disorders), auditory (deaf people) and motor (e.g. cerebral palsy, paresis of the upper limbs, movement limitations resulting from various types of diseases and disorders)

- from different cultural circles than Polish.



Age: 5;0 - 69;11




Price list changes


Od 30.12.2021 nastąpiły zmiany w cenniku.

Aktualny cennik znajduje się w zakładce Aktualności.


Therapeutic group

We would like to invite you to participate in therapeutic groups for people aged 11-13 and 14-16.


Meetings are held once a week (120-150 minutes), on a weekly basis.


Planned number of meetings - 16 (approximately 3-4 months).



The classes are psychoeducational in the form of a workshop.

Participants can meet new people of their age who experience similar difficulties, establish peer relationships, gain a better understanding of the experienced problems, learn strategies for coping with stress and difficult emotions. The group is also a place where you can learn in a safe space the mechanisms of experienced processes that cause difficulties in everyday life, arouse fear, as well as learn how to deal with them, improve your social skills and build satisfying relationships.


Meetings involve both a common conversation on a specific topic, but also performing tasks and exercises (in smaller groups, alone).


By participating in a group, a teenager has a chance to see how others see him, what impression his behavior and method of communication make, and experience close relationships with peers. Group therapy creates conditions for participants to personal development, overcoming current life problems, creating and nurturing constructive relationships with people.


The group therapeutic process is carried out in an integrative sense / techniques taken from the cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic currents /.


Number of participants: 4 - 6 people


Participation in the group is preceded by qualifying consultations conducted by a psychotherapist. Such a meeting will enable:

- learning about the specifics of the participant's problems,

- the person in charge,

- agreeing together whether group therapy is an appropriate form of help.


Consultation cost - PLN 120/60 min

Cost of participation in a group - PLN 480 per month (4 meetings a month)


If you are interested, please contact us by phone: 661 922 157 or by e-mail:

Early Childhood Development Support


We announce recruitment for the implementation of therapeutic activities under the Early Child Development Support (WWRD).




We offer classes in:

- psychologist,
- speech therapist,
- sensory integration therapist,
- trainer of the Tomatis method.


Within the granted hours, it is also possible to use the therapies available at the Clinic, i.e .:

- auditory training using the Tomatis method,
- Tomatis Bone Conduction Kit,
- Neuroflow Active Auditory Training (CAPD),
- hand therapy,
- Soundsory music and motor training,
- training of visual working memory, concentration and attention - Cogmed,
- Fast ForWord program,
- work with Forbrain headphones,
- Warnke method training.


Please send information about the child by e-mail: and contact us by phone: 661 922 157


A comprehensive English language learning support program

Niepubliczna Poradnia Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczna dla Dzieci i Młodzieży

ul. Filarecka 17/2, 30-110 Kraków


 roku szkolnym 2021/2022


możliwość uczestnictwa w zajęciach indywidualnych lub grupowych (2 osoby) odbywających się z minimalną, proponowaną częstotliwością:

40 spotkań  w cyklu 2 razy w tygodniu po 1,5h.


Pierwsze spotkanie obejmuje konsultację z Rodzicem, wykonanie stosownej diagnozy /testu uwagi słuchowej/, przedstawienie planu zajęć. Czas trwania konsultacji to ok. 2h.


Kompleksowy program wspomagający naukę języka angielskiego składa się z:


- programu do nauki języka angielskiego w ramach metody Tomatisa


Program do stymulowania częstotliwości istotnych do nauki języka angielskiego. Ważne jest prawidłowe wysłuchiwanie częstotliwości 800 – 8000 Hz /w przypadku American English/, a w przypadku British English 3000 – 8000 Hz, by możliwe było prawidłowe stosowanie akcentu, intonacji języka angielskiego.


- pracy w programie Fast ForWord




Fast ForWord jest terapeutycznym programem komputerowym.


Użytkownik programu, przechodząc przez kolejne bardzo interesujące i zabawne gry-ćwiczenia, poprawia  uwagę słuchową, zdolność wykonywania wieloelementowych, złożonych poleceń, koordynację wzrokowo-słuchową, zakres pamięci werbalnej, umiejętność różnicowania fonemów, poszerza zakres słownictwa w j. angielskim. Równocześnie ćwiczy umiejętność rozumienia języka angielskiego, posługiwania się konstrukcjami zdań, nabywa umiejętności posługiwania się czasami (Present Simple, Perfect, Past), stroną bierną, czasownikami niemającymi liczby mnogiej.


Program reaguje na postępy dziecka - jeżeli jego wyniki są coraz lepsze, poziom trudności wzrasta; jeżeli występują błędy a czas wykonania zadania wydłuża się, program powtarza zadania do momentu, aż systematyczne ćwiczenia  przyniosą rezultat.


Zebrane w czasie gry wyniki trafiają do zespołu Scientific Learning , gdzie dokonywana jest analiza pracy dziecka. Następnie szczegółowe raporty wraz ze wskazówkami, jak stymulować konkretne obszary, są wysyłane do opiekunów i terapeutów. W ten sposób rodzic może monitorować pracę dziecka i motywować je do kolejnych wyzwań.


Metoda, na której są oparte, rozwija takie sfery jak: uwaga, koncentrację, pamięć, analiza/synteza fonologiczna oraz przetwarzanie i porządkowanie informacji. Bazując na koncepcji plastyczności mózgu, naukowcy opracowali metodę, która szybko, trwale i skutecznie buduje i udoskonala ogólne umiejętności językowe, co przenosi się na osiągnięcia szkolne.


Trening jest bardzo pomocny w rozwoju dzieci, zwłaszcza u osób dyslektycznych.


W programie dostępne są 2 poziomy – Foundations I i Foundations II.

Dla poszerzenia zasobu słownika, płynności i poprawności czytania – program Fast ForWord Reading Assistance.


Więcej informacji na:





- ćwiczenia językowe z użyciem słuchawek Pronounce


Słuchawki Pronounce z filtrami zawierającymi częstotliwości istotne dla prawidłowej wymowy w języku angielskim.




Więcej informacji na:


Program polecany jest dla dzieci:

- z trudnościami w uczeniu się języka angielskiego,

- przed egzaminami, testami zaliczeniowymi,

- zdolnych językowo dla doskonalenia swoich umiejętności,

- z trudnościami natury dyslektycznej,

- z wolniej rozwijającą się sferą fonetyczno-fonologiczną


Koszt – 150 zł / 1 spotkanie 1,5h /

+ konsultacja (120 zł / 60 min)


Proponowany program terapii:

od 1 do 20 sesji:

- 1h metody Tomatisa pod kątem językowym /0,5h trening muzyczny, 0,5h trening językowy – wysłuchiwania tekstu, piosenek dla stymulowania rozwoju sfery prozodycznej/,

- 35 minut – praca w programie Fast ForWord poziom Foundations I

od 21 do 40 sesji:

- 35 minut – praca w programie Fast ForWord,

- 35 minut – Reading Assistance – czytanie tekstów w j. angielskim na słuchawkach z mikrofonem z wysłuchiwaniem brzmienia własnego głosu i korektą wymowy w systemie Reading Assistance

- 20 minut – praca na słuchawkach Pronounce – opowiadanie, dialog na podstawie czytanego tekstu w Reading Assistance


Ze względu na logowanie do systemu Fast ForWord i Reading Assistance opłatę należy uiścić przed rozpoczęciem terapii (całość – 40 spotkań).


Screening tests

We'd like to encourage you to take advantage of the screening tests

Magic Audiometer.


In the form of:

- individual examinations at the Private Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic / Filarecka 17/2 street /

- tests at your kindergarten




The study will allow you to evaluate:

- regularity or difficulty in listening to the frequency 125 - 8000 Hz through the air and bone,

- auditory attention: listening attitudes, ability to react to the heard sound, auditory hypersensitivity

- indication of possible reasons for difficulties in shaping the auditory sphere, balance and the emotional and social sphere



After the end of the study, the results will be discussed with the Parents / Guardians, together with a proposal for further therapeutic treatment.



The cost of the examination with an overview / individually / - PLN 100.

The cost of the examination with an overview / in the kindergarten / - to be agreed.

The cost of the opinion after the examination is additionally payable.



In the case of more research in the kindergarten and the justification for the therapy, it is possible to conduct a therapeutic session with the use of auditory training equipment according to Tomatis / parental consent required /.


In order to inform parents about the purpose and course of the training, we can conduct a training for parents presenting the method of diagnosis and the equipment for therapy.


More information at:


We encourage you to take advantage of the possibility of assessing the functioning of children from 3 to 5 years of age with a test

IDS-P Scales of Intelligence and Development for Preschool Children.


The test consists of 18 tests examining six different areas of child development, such as: Cognitive skills (tests: visual perception, selective attention, phonological memory, visual-spatial memory, spatial reasoning, conceptual reasoning, auditory memory); Psychomotor skills (tests: Motor skills, Manipulation, Visual-motor coordination), Social and emotional competences (test Socio-emotional competences); Mathematics (logical-mathematical reasoning test), Language (tests: Active speech, Dictionary, Passive speech). Motivation (Deferring the reward test, scales: Perseverance, Satisfaction with achievements).


The IDS-P test can be used to assess the level of intelligence, determine the strengths and weaknesses of the child (e.g. in relation to planning re-educational and educational interactions), to identify the most talented children with high intellectual abilities.





We'd like to encourage you to use the possibility of diagnosing a child's speech development with the KOLD test - Child Speech Therapy Assessment Card.


The test is used to assess the most important areas of speech in a child from 1 month of age to 9 years of age.

The KOLD study covers 12 age groups in the following areas: speech understanding, speech transmission, auditory responses, speech organs, articulation and efficiency of articulation organs (from 2 years of age) and pragmatic and social skills (from 3 years of age).


Additionally, on the basis of the test, gross motor skills, graphomotor skills (including: grip, writing speed and pressure of a writing tool), visual perception, visual memory, eye-hand coordination and establishing a model of lateralization can be assessed.




Fast ForWord

We encourage you to use the computer program for independent work at home - Fast ForWord (based on the English language)


The program consists of exercise blocks that can be performed throughout the year:

Foundations I

Foundations II

Elements I

Elements II

Reading Readiness

Reading Level 1

Reading Level 2

Reading Level 2

Reading Assistance


The acronym FAST Power Learning means a model that assumes:

F (Frequency and Intenstity) - based on research on the plasticity of the brain, which shows that the frequency and intensity of exercise accelerates the learning process and the durability of acquired skills

· A (Adaptivity) - Fast ForWord system adjusts the difficulty level to the sphere of the closest abilities of the exercising person

S (Simultaneous Development) - the variety of exercises means that cognitive skills, auditory attention, phonological and language skills are developed, which translates into progress in the technique of reading at the rate and correctness of reading and understanding the read text, and consequently gives better learning opportunities myself

T (Timely Motivation) - the incentive system is based on the possibility of observing your own progress (reports), the program is also an incentive



Fast ForWord is recommended for all children over 5 (adults as well), in particular:

People with reading difficulties,

With symptoms of difficulties in auditory processing at the central level (CAPD),

Children with difficulties in correct pronunciation / not only in English /,

With autism spectrum disorders,


In the case of specific learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography, dyscalculia),

· Very effective for people who want to improve their English skills.


The program is used to exercise auditory attention, higher auditory functions, differentiate similar-sounding words, distinguish between sounds of different pitch, simultaneous remembering words (word-word is pronounced, illustrated with a picture and inscription), working memory (listening to a command, keeping it in mind and executing him). Develops linguistic and grammatical functions, sentence structures, improves knowledge of the English language (exercises the ability to use sometimes: Present Simple, Continuous, Past, Perfect, Passive voice, etc.), develops dictionary richness and understanding commands and text (choices of answers through pictures) .

An important element of the program is Reading Assistance, which allows you to correct the pronunciation and texts read by the person exercising. We select a story from the library set in the system, the pronunciation is corrected and unfamiliar words can be translated during the exercise.

The program can be treated as a full hour of English lessons, on a therapeutic, verbal and grammar level. It significantly expands the vocabulary that is remembered permanently.

The system monitors the results of the exerciser who can watch their progress every day. A report summarizing the achievements is sent out every week.



Each module (40 training sessions) - price: PLN 800.



More information at:



Link to the demo video:

Moxo diagnosis

We encourage you to take advantage of the new offer available in our clinic:


Diagnosis of the level of attention functioning, reaction time, impulsiveness, hyperactivity


The Moxo test is also used to diagnose ADD and ADHD

(supplementing the diagnosis with a Set of Questionnaires for the ADHD Diagnosis / Conners 3 / for the age 6-18)



Moxo test - PLN 150
Conners 3 - PLN 150


For the training of the above functions, we use the Cogmed program - the exercise of attention, concentration, direct visual working memory, developing a remembering strategy:



More information about the method:


Cogmed - the new offer


We encourage you to improve your memory, attention and concentration skills through the COGMED program

in the new training offer of visual working memory, attention and concentration, visual perception, spatial localization, sequencing, integration of visual-auditory functions.


The program includes 30-day access to a training license and constant supervision of the therapist / monitoring of results, weekly information on progress /.



We encourage you to check the demo version:




Training price:

- younger children (up to 7 years of age) - PLN 450

- for school age (7-17 years old) - PLN 800

- adults - PLN 1000



More info on page:



CDI2 - Children and adolescents depression diagnosis

CDI2 - Set of Questionnaires for the Diagnosis of Depression in Children and Adolescents




We encourage you to use the possibility of diagnosing symptoms of depression with the Maria Kovacs Depression Diagnosis Questionnaire Kit.


The tool was developed in order to determine the scope of the depressive syndrome, which includes the level of affect / depressive mood / and the functioning of the child / in the school, peer and family environment /. Questionnaires are filled in by the Child, Parent and Teacher, which allows for a comprehensive and objective assessment of the child's difficulties.

Soundsory - music and movement program

We encourage you to take advantage of the Soundsory music and motor training offer.



SOUNDSORY headphones / with training program / can be purchased at our Clinic (tel: 661-922-157).


The program is recommended for people with:
-common sensory and auditory processing disorders,
- delays in motor development,
-weak muscle tone,
- problems with balance and motor coordination,
-dispraxia / movement planning / disturbed sense of time and space,
- difficulties in performing planned tasks, their movement sequence, precision,
-development disorders, including those from the autism spectrum.


More info on page:


and on the Sounsory tab:


Price for headphones and program - PLN 1,200.


Kraków, ul. Filarecka 17/2
Phone: 661 922 157


We work from:

Monday - Friday 10: 00-18: 00


Registration Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:00-10: 00 and 17: 00-18: 00

or email contact


In the case of e-mail contact, please provide the following information:

first and last name of the child,
age, type of school and child's class,
current diagnoses and rulings (e.g. autism, Asperger Syndrome, FAS, Down Syndrome, dyslexia, etc.),
short description of current problems,
choosing the planned diagnosis and therapy from the Clinic's offer (if possible),
please suggest consultation dates possible for you (we will confirm possible).


After receiving the email we will contact you by phone.

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